Tuesday, 4 October 2011

A Rudd Comaback

Author:       SphericalThinker ®
Date/Time:  04 Oct 2011 3:22:49am
Subject:      >Re: 26.9.11 Q9. A RUDD COMEBACK

Kevin Rudd was never dumped. It was an act to rescue Labor from total annihilation in the previous Federal Election. A change of leadership was the only way to beg the people of Australia for mercy to give this incompetent party another chance. With further intentional deterioration in performance will give Kevin Rudd an excuse to return to his rightful place - showing that he was not that bad after all.

Just think about this, why did Kevin Rudd just so happen had to admit to hospital at the peak of election campaign? It was just to avoid answering questions from the media. Former mates Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard did not visit Kevin Rudd at the hospital, nor a phone call to check on his condition was just unthinkable; in short, they are not fit to be called Australians if this was done intentionally.

Why in the world Julia Gillard has to kowtow to Kevin Rudd and keep Foreign Ministry just for a political "enemy", and provided such a big budget for him to travel around the world.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Carbon tax / Jobs

Sin Fong Chan
12 Jul 2011 1:40:44am

Coal power plants use a lot of Australian resources and labour - good for our own economy and employment. The resources are not overseas import and the labour cannot be outsourced overseas.

Starting from mining the brown coal to the final stage of burning it, involves a long chain of industries - transport, fuel, supply and maintenance of all related plant, equipment and vehicle, food and beverages, uniform, accommodation, etc.

It is undeniable that China is the factory of the world. Anything or component can be built in a country can be built in China at much lower cost.

China is going to release her new aircraft C919 at USD50m each in less than 5 years time to compete with Airbus A320 at USD93m and Boeing 737 at USD80m respectively, is a clear demonstration that any equipment and components used for renewable energy power plants will likely to be manufactured in China at a fraction of the cost.

Loss of employment is disastrous and NOT renewable. Don't be a statistics!

China's Carbon Emmission

Sin Fong Chan
12 Jul 2011 12:02:21am

If coal power plants are closed, the brown coal will either laid buried in the ground in Australia, or dumped in the world market.

The latter option will be a total disaster for the future of our planet - assuming that coal power plants are evil. Developing countries will be buying the coal to power their generators, likely to be dirtier than our existing plants, creating more pollution than anyone can ever imagine.

Australia plays tough and acts as the good guy, but it actually is an accessory to the murder of plant Earth!

Monday, 11 July 2011

The Real Julia

Sin Fong Chan
11 Jul 2011 11:23:24pm

There is only one real Julia Gillard. The one that tells lies after lies and the one that never denies about her lying are the same real Julia.

Some Australians may be a few dollars better off the first year of carbon tax implementation, but the benefit will go sour in subsequent years because inflation will swallow up all the miserable handouts.

Once a liar is always a liar!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Carbon Tax - 6

AuthorSin Fong Chan
Date/Time16 Mar 2011 4:09:46am
Subject>>>>>Re: 14.03.11 Q13 -CARBON: RURAL AUSTRALIA V CITY ELITE

Clotho: Mind you, Abbott is no better....remember his promise of no new tax.....that was until Hockey pointed out to him that the Mad Monk's paternity has to bee paid for somehow.

Sin Fong: Put them on the same boat and send them to Chrismas Island!

Carbon Tax - 5

AuthorSin Fong Chan
Date/Time16 Mar 2011 4:05:08am
Subject>>>Re: 14.03.11 Q9 - CARBON TAX

Over a year ago, Target 155 was introduced by the former Victorian Labor government to encourage people to save water during the drought. It was a very successful campaign. Unfortunately this campaign has been dumped by the Ted Ballieu government. The success of the campaign lied not on taxing the Victorians – people used over 155 litres per person per day were not penalised, and yet majority of the Victorians wanted to save water. Saving water and energy should be a way of life, and NOT political or economic policies imposed by the Government.

If the government really want to flex its muscle, deadlines can be imposed on industries to clean up their act, invest in alternative power generation or their business registration / licence will not be renewed. Taxes on any industry will have a flow on effect on ordinary people. No businesses want to be shut down!

Carbon Tax - 4

Sin Fong Chan
16 Mar 2011 4:01:40am

The reason why we are high on carbon production per capita is because of our small population. In any business, there are always fixed and various costs involved. The same principle applies here that certain amount of carbon produced is fixed no matter what the population is.

Compounding this is transmission of power over vast distances to generally very low population density cities and towns, unlike many smaller area but higher population density European or Asian countries.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Carbon Tax - 3

Sin Fong Chan
15 Mar 2011 1:05:41pm

Clancy, thanks for the explanation. I was just being sarcastic. You are a real optimist! A leopard does not change its spots. A liar is always a liar!

Carbon: Rural Australia v City Elite - 2

AuthorSin Fong Chan
Date/Time15 Mar 2011 12:54:57pm

Matron: why would you be so darn rude about the PM of Australia? it demonstrates the smallnes of your brain not future policies to be implemented.

She laughs when she lies point blank. She back-stabbed Kevin Rudd, plagiarised his policy and claimed her own.

How can we trust politicians like her who doesn't own up to mistakes? She owes all Australians an apology. Her arrogance in treating us like idiots in not understanding simple English like there will be NO carbon tax as an election promise!

I respect anyone irrespective of age, race, religion, colour, creed or political inclination. Respect must be earned - it is a privilege, and NOT a right!

Monday, 14 March 2011

Carbon: Rural Australia v City Elite - 1

AuthorSin Fong Chan
Date/Time14 Mar 2011 10:35:01pm

Juliar Galah – Do you realise that climate change occurs every day? Humans just need to be more adaptive to the climate changes or will extinct like the dinosaurs. If you are serious about non-carbon generating energy, why is Central Australia still so underdeveloped and underutilised to harness the solar and wind energy?

Carbon Tax - 2

AuthorSin Fong Chan
Date/Time14 Mar 2011 10:23:54pm
Subject>Re: 14.03.11 Q9 - CARBON TAX

What are you going to use the carbon tax for precisely - to build more schools, buy more computers, insulate more homes in the Labor electorates? Please explain.

Carbon Tax - 1

AuthorSin Fong Chan
Date/Time14 Mar 2011 10:18:41pm
Subject>Re: 14.03.11 Q9 - CARBON TAX

By ignoring the poll is a sign of arrogance to the nth degree, self-centreness and disrespectful of the intelligence of the Australian public.

Will you continue to ignore what the rest of Australia is telling you that you are NOT on the right track?

Monday, 7 March 2011

Women - Boards

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time09 Mar 2011 5:46:06am
Subject>Re: 07.03.11 Q2 - WOMEN - BOARDS

So, GG and Joe Hockey want more females on boards. If it is a matter of affirmative action, then after gender will be race, colour, religion or national origin.

It is concerning that democracy, free market, freedom of choice are dead in our society. Too much pressure has been placed on businesses, families and society at large to do the "right" thing, by the government or some authorities under the sun, and yet the people of Australia have no say in many of the ridiculous decisions made by them, such as money spent on “refugee” queue jumpers, welfare services provided to these and overseas countries instead of our own, building hospitals without providing funding for fittings, insulating the roofs but not the windows, adding new classrooms cum kitchens instead of quality teachers, etc.

Why can't all these goons leave us alone? Do GG or Joe Hockey also want male quotas on staying at home doing housework?