Tuesday 4 October 2011

A Rudd Comaback

Author:       SphericalThinker ®
Date/Time:  04 Oct 2011 3:22:49am
Subject:      >Re: 26.9.11 Q9. A RUDD COMEBACK

Kevin Rudd was never dumped. It was an act to rescue Labor from total annihilation in the previous Federal Election. A change of leadership was the only way to beg the people of Australia for mercy to give this incompetent party another chance. With further intentional deterioration in performance will give Kevin Rudd an excuse to return to his rightful place - showing that he was not that bad after all.

Just think about this, why did Kevin Rudd just so happen had to admit to hospital at the peak of election campaign? It was just to avoid answering questions from the media. Former mates Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard did not visit Kevin Rudd at the hospital, nor a phone call to check on his condition was just unthinkable; in short, they are not fit to be called Australians if this was done intentionally.

Why in the world Julia Gillard has to kowtow to Kevin Rudd and keep Foreign Ministry just for a political "enemy", and provided such a big budget for him to travel around the world.