Thursday, 22 October 2009

K Rudd on Rolling Sone

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time22 Oct 2009 10:18:22pm
Subject>Re: 22.10.09 Q8 K RUDD ON ROLLING STONE
Jack of all trades, master of none!


AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time22 Oct 2009 10:13:56pm
Subject>>Re: 22.10.09 Q6 TURNBULL
Wizard: Kevin Rudd is trying to strangle anyone without a ALP membership

Sorry Wizard, I totally disagree with you, KRudd does not have the guts to do so!

Liberal Leadership

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time22 Oct 2009 10:05:56pm
Subject>>>Re: 22.10.09 Q3 LIBERAL LEADERSHIP
"Ahhhhh ......, may I say this, ..."

"What do you want to say, Bob. With all the money you have giving given away, this is the recession we have to have!"

Asylum Seekers

SphericalThinker ®
22 Oct 2009 10:00:33pm
>Re: 22.10.09 Q2 ASYLUM SEEKERS

In 2003, UN estimated population of Sri Lanka is 19.5 million. Besides those in the camps, how are the rest of Sri Lankan doing? Are their lives miserable, why aren't they seeking asylum in Australia? I know many Sri Lankans business people are doing extremely well!

Liberal Leadership

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time22 Oct 2009 10:11:39pm
Subject>>Re: 22.10.09 Q4 LIBERAL LEADERSHIP
Did someone once said that this is a "Clever Country"?

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Religion & Society

SphericalThinker ®
21 Oct 2009 11:20:30am
>Re: 1.10.09 - Q.4 RELIGION & SOCIETY

What do we use our brain and mouth for?

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Clean Coal

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time20 Oct 2009 11:36:08pm
Subject>Re: 15.10.09 - Q5. CLEAN COAL

All these discussions are just a load of hot air - the true form of energy for now and future!

Monday, 12 October 2009

Obama & Race

SphericalThinker ®
12 Oct 2009 12:16:40am
>Re: 24.09.09 - Q2. OBAMA & RACE

DARYL MCCANN: Yesterday Ralph Nader suggested President Obama is ‘‘weak, waffling, wavering and ambiguous”. Is he allowed to say that?

SphericalThinker: "... Is he allowed to say that? ..."

Yes, we can!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Red Faces

SphericalThinker ®
11 Oct 2009 11:58:30pm
>Re: 8.10.09 Q1 RED FACE

What racism? So neither an European can act as a Chinese Emperor, nor a Japanese play a role of an European King in a movie? Can an aborigine take part in a Shakespearean play, or Holywood actor be a Kung Fu master?

Did anyone criticise MJ for having his face "colored" white? If those "goons" portrayed MJ as white, I would be more upset, and they were definitely unforgivable. Forget about racism, and stop being a hypocrite. Let's live happily and harmoniously.