Sunday, 13 September 2009

Kevin Rudd's Mannerism

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time13 Sep 2009 1:04:42am
Subject>Re: 10.09.09 - Q7. KEVIN RUDD's MANNERISMS

Can anyone help me with my English? Does the question imply that Kevin Rudd can be genuinely deceptive and deceptively genuine?

Sixteen-year-old Solo Sailor

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time13 Sep 2009 12:38:54am
Subject>>>Re: 10.09.09 - Q3. SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD SOLO SAILOR

Wizard: Ocean sailing is extremely demanding physically and mentally, and also invites prolonged lack of sleep which is not good for developing brains.

Wizard, what developing brain?!!!!

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Education Revolution

SphericalThinker ®
05 Sep 2009 8:06:16am
>Re: 3/09/09 QUESTION 7

Neither Rudd has such mandate, nor Gillard has a womandate to revolunise the education system!

Climate Change

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time05 Sep 2009 8:00:37am
Subject>Re: 3/09/09 QUESTION 4
If carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere, what is it replacing?

Does increase in carbon dioxide affect the atmospheric pressure?

How will increase/decrease in atmospheric pressure affect the weather, and living beings on earth?