Thursday, 27 August 2009

Indigenous Assimilation

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time27 Aug 2009 10:58:29pm

Get real! Do all the people brought up under the influence of Western civilisation, white, yellow or black (what whatever colour one may choose to use), suffer from "rampant alcoholism, child abuse and squalor"?

People making idiotic accusation about Western culture must be drunk!

Indigenous Education

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time27 Aug 2009 10:49:46pm
Subject>>Re: Question 8 - INDIGENOUS EDUCATION

She (Tara Winch) probably did not study English!

Identity - Australian Identity

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time27 Aug 2009 10:46:51pm

Australian is a noun as well as an adjective.

If one is not born here, then one has to apply to become a citizen of Australia, and after being accepted he/she becomes an Australian. It is an honour and priviledge to be granted citizenship of this great country.

As an adjective, one can be Austalian, or Australian-like if he/she plays Aussie rule football, eats meat pies, vegimite (unfortunately it is no longer Aussie-own), enjoys a glass or two of VB or Foster.

Abbott = Loser

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time27 Aug 2009 10:29:53pm
Subject>Re: Question 3 - ABBOTT = LOSER

Spare the rod, spoil the kid.

Indigenous Education

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time27 Aug 2009 10:21:18pm
Subject>Re: Question 8 - INDIGENOUS EDUCATION

For all public and government funded private schools, English should be the only teaching medium, and other languages are discretionary.

We cannot afford to build a Tower of Babel, which can only lead to misunderstanding, confusion, suspicion and conflict.

Monday, 24 August 2009


AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time24 Aug 2009 1:59:40am
Subject>>>>>Re: QUESTION 7 - RACISM

Are you drunk, Skip?

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Women in Karzai

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time20 Aug 2009 10:25:33pm

True, the country is full of corruption, and hence, so many turn up to vote indicates the that it is stacked!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Yellow Peril

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time19 Aug 2009 4:29:39pm
Subject>Re: 13 August 2009 Question 6: Yellow Peril?

Why do you think learning Mandarin/Cantonese at school is a negative? Asian schools have been teaching English for decades, and with that language skill they have conquered many countries in the professional and export arena.

Many Chinese exports to English speaking countries are lablled in English, with English instructions, promotions, etc. When are we going to export our produce and products to Chinese speaking countries with Chinese writing?

Only Kevin Rudd speaks Mandarin fluently from the government, but there are many folds more Chinese from her government speak English.

If we don't take this opportunity, we will miss the boat (to China)!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Education Revolution

SphericalThinker ®
18 Aug 2009 10:44:25am

Has anyone worked out how many extra teachers can be employed with the hefty $14.7 billion at $65,000/teacher/year with pay increase of 4% each year:
1. over the next 10 years? Answer 22,500
2. over the next 15 years? Answer 13,350
3. over the next 20 years? Answer 9,000

At $55,000 with an annual increment of 4%, a teacher will be paid $115,877 each year in 20 years time.

I wonder I can get a job to teach the politicians Mathematics. They suffer from numeracy defficiency!


AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time18 Aug 2009 10:11:25am

Certain public sectors should be free from cultural and religious practices and beliefs, such as school, hospital, public transport system, parks, etc.

In general, national laws are made for the good of the public. While it is difficult to define universal values and laws, any existing ones are better than none at present. We do have a lot of freedom to speak out and change the system than many other countries. No one should not just sit around and whinge.

If people, migrants or dinky-di Aussies, misuse our system and not caught for doing it, only to show that these are "smart" (not necessarily intelligent) to exploit the system. Therefore, it is the crack of the system should be fixed to avoid further occurrence.

Let's tap their resourcefulness and make this a better country.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009


SphericalThinker ®
11 Aug 2009 2:55:03am

Did Captain Cook eat bush tucker? Did the white men integrate into the aboriginal society and learn the local language?

Pot calling the kettle black!

Monday, 10 August 2009

Education Revolution

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time10 Aug 2009 6:28:29pm

Don't we all like to own a custom built house or custom crafted Rolls Royce? When T-Ford started to roll off the production line and "ordinary" people could afford to buy one.

In theory, a teacher should identify the learning syle of each student, and teaches him/her with the appropriate method. This is a utopian wish, but absolutely nonsensical. If any parent feels that individual attention is the way to go, then he/she should employ a personal tutor/teacher for the child.

There is nothing wrong to use a cookie-cutter approach. In fact, tighter control should be in place to ensure students receive unbiased, non-discrimitory, universal standard of education.

Public wallet has limited amount of money. As a taxpayer, I deposit money into the wallet, too!

Friday, 7 August 2009

Education Revolution

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time07 Aug 2009 12:01:04am

What is Education Revolution? Answer: A spin on education policy.

Does Education Revolution cover the complete spectrum from prep to university?

If so, TAFE's should be under microscope too!

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Radio Rape Revelation

SphericalThinker ®
04 Aug 2009 12:53:03pm
>>Re: Question 4: Radio Rape Revelation - 30.07.09

Although Kyle is not my favourite radio / TV personality but he can be forgiven for his infallibility and reaction to an unexpected shock! However, the heartless clowns in the Chaser's skit are inexcusable for their poor taste and misjudgement!

As for the girl's mother, she should go on a lie detector test to prove that she is the real mother. With a mother like this, who needs enemies!


AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time04 Aug 2009 12:37:29pm
Subject>Re: Question 5: Abortion - 30.7.09

Self administration of abortion drugs should be banned worldwide!

Babies don't just belong to the females. The male partner is responsible for the conception, and must a say too whether the baby be brought to the world. If a woman decides to abort for whatever the reasons, without professional help and counselling, this can be disastrous for the health and well-being of the woman, as well as that of the partner.

Babies are NOT laboratory specimens.

Home births

AuthorSphericalThinker ®
Date/Time04 Aug 2009 12:23:43pm
Subject>Re: Q7 Home births

At present, there are enough mid-wives to go round delivering babies because of economy of scale - birth at hospital.

If home birth becomes a common practice, there will be shortage of qualified mid-wives, not dissimilar to other trade / profession. Unqualified, and unethical practitioners will move in to take advantage of the uninformed and inexperienced.

There is also another legal implication. Illegal baby trade may flourish, because documents can be falsified regarding who the real parents are.

As demand of home births increases, the health insurance will likely to cover home birth. Based on risk and cost effectiveness factors, I can also foresee that the health insurance premium will increase for families or singles of child bearing age.